The Importance of Intersectionality in Sustainable Fashion
Brands often preach ‘slow fashion’ in the name of environmentalism, yet, simultaneously fall grossly short of achieving social justice via their inherent lack of diversity, inclusivity, intersectionality, and mere representation at that. In order for a brand to truly call itself sustainable, intersectionality must be a core tenet, not a trend and not an aesthetic; genuine sustainability simply can’t function otherwise.
Fashion Is A Women's Issue
Emblazoned on the fronts of popular graphic tees are the familiar slogans: The future is female, Girl Power, Feminist, and the list goes on. Too often, these positive messages directly contradict the values and practices of their own supply chains. Despite the fact that women are the majority of makers and consumers of clothing, the fashion industry serves as grounds upon which gender discrimination has festered since its inception.
Your Guide On Solo Traveling 2022
Solo travel can be a rather daunting pursuit, especially if you’ve never done so before. Those who do take the leap and board that plane alone, however, almost always find solo travel to be a life changing experience. Finding yourself in a new city, discovering an unfamiliar culture, and meeting new people alone gives you the chance to explore yourself completely.
Backpackers Guide: How To Find Cheap Flights
It comes as no surprise that buying plane tickets is one of the most expensive aspects of booking a trip. Too many times, have I scoured the internet for the best flight deals only to exit my browser frustrated and ticketless. It’s about time that we all learn how to buy plane tickets the smart way. That’s why we here at ITH have decided to create a guide to help you find cheap flights.
12 Grants for BIPOC Designers & Women Entrepreneurs
Brands were called out for trying to co-opt the #BLM movement and demonstrating support for the movement that was performative rather than impactful. The movement was well overdue, and companies like Reformation were forced to fess up for their brand’s treatment of people of color after former employees revealed that racism and workplace discrimination was an active part of the workplace culture.
Best Things To Do in San Diego in April
Springtime has made its way to Southern California and everything is green! The waves are still huge from winter swells, and the winds are strong if you enjoy sailing on San Diego Bay.